Friday, April 16, 2010

Black Fryday!

BlackFryday13™ idea is an adaptation from the prominent urban legend Friday the 13th. Hence every Friday the 13th is known as a Black Friday.

As early as 1307, superstition in the West has it that every Black Friday is considered as cataclysmic. It has then picked up as a trend/ fad since seven hundred years ago and has been used as spin offs in movies, music and even promotions.

BlackFryday13™ captures the essence of the fine line that separates the black and the white, the good and the bad; hence giving you the best of both worlds in the creation of brands. For example, a person wearing a suit and a tie doesn’t necessarily mean he is a good person and on the contrary a person covered in tattoos, not necessarily bad. These so called optical illusions may cast us into doubt, which in return raises a gray area. The Grey Area is BlackFryday13™’s mark.

BlackFryday13™’s products, cartoon characters, fantasy colors, in addition to creative products have ulterior motives. It begs the question; do you not remember childhood dreams and innocence that once comforted us? Once we take on the world and grow older; beleaguered by the so called reality, we deny fantasy. This is where BlackFryday13™ comes in, to catalyze dreams and instill courage for you to take another step, into this unchartered world.

Find out more at or

Krazee Duck!

Krazee Duck Origins

So how did Krazee Duck begin? Well, you won’t be surprised to know that it didn’t hatch out of an egg.

The idea of Krazee Duck was conceived and brought to life by three men: Ikuyo the Mastermind, Eddie the Marketer and John the Designer. A duck was chosen as the icon because ducks are universally-acceptable, they’re friendly and is the species of one of the world’s most famous and favourite ‘other’ cartoon character. Of course, with it being a duck, it also has the license to quack without being called one.

Originality - Giller Battle Crew

Diversity - Krazee Kru

Creativity - Project Elementz

Energy & Passion - Street Nation Dance Studio

Positivity & Vibrance - Twister Genies & singer Amy Wang (Double Crossover)

Respect White

Respect Black

Bootie Duck - Krazee Duck crossover Aric Ho

Check them out more at